Thursday, November 28, 2013

Facebook New Tips And Tricks 2013

Facebook tips and tricks are mainly on these apps.
How these facebook applications can be useful to you while you enjoy Facebook. You simply need to login to your account and authorize the application and you are done. You will be able to use them.
Here I am going to mention few apps which are really good and you will enjoy them.

Here is the list of facbeook tips
and tricks -

1. Live Stream TV - You can watch
live streaming tv on facebook.
There is an app called
TVDREAM-APP. Search for this
app on facebook search bar.
Once you authorize it, you can
watch live stream.

2. Make Video with your pictures on FB -
Visit and you can make a nice video of your facbeook photos.

3. OnlineNow - Whenever you are
offline, you cannot see your
online friends. However we do
have the habit of knowing who
is online while we are offline.
To make this task easy, just
search the application
OnlineNow in facebook search

4. Empty Facbeook Status -
Copy paste this into your status box " @[2:2: ] " without quotes and hit enter. Status will be updates with no content in it.

5. Remove all facebook ads -
You can use the Greasemonkey
Script in Mozilla firefox "
Facebook: Cleaner " to remove
all ads. Basically it will hide
all the facebook ads on the

The best trick :
Facebook gives you the link to
deactivate the account in the
account settings. But there is no
option to DELETE your facebook
account permanently. However that option is available but not in the account settings. You can find this option in the facbeook help.

Here is the direct link for you in case you want to delete your facebook account -



Open this link. Fill the form and
Don't login to facebook for next
15 Days. It will be deleted.

Share to social network


Below mentioned tricks are
extremely helpful for you facebook
account. Facebook being the
largest social networking website
has more than a billion users as of
now. Hence it's very important to
keep your private data safe and
keep enjoying the facebook.

1. How to Make Your Profile
Photo Un-clickable

Do your know that if a stranger
visits your profile and your profile
pic privacy is not set to me then
he can see your pic in full
resolution upon clicking them.
Even he can download it in the
high quality which you uploaded
on facebook. To prevent this, follow
the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to your Albums.
2. Click on your Profile Pictures
3. Select the current profile pic.
4. Adjust its privacy setting to
only me and you are done.

2. Selecting or Inviting All Your
Friends at Once
Facebook is the place where
millions of people play games,
updates their pages and groups. In
all these activities, they require to
invite their friends to join their
game, facebook page or group. Now
suppose you have 2500 friends.
Then selecting them one by one
will become a hell of a job. So to
make the process easier, there is a
facebook trick.

1. Open your facebook page in

2. Select to invite friends and
window will open showing your

3. Select All friends instead of
recent conversation from the
top left corner of the window.

4. Scroll down the page till all
friends appear up to bottom.

5. Now press Ctrl+shift+K and
small window will appear at
the bottom of firefox.

6. Now paste this code and hit
enter : javascript:elms=
(“checkableitems[]“);for (i=0;i < elms.length;i++){if (elms[i]
.type=”checkbox” )elms[i].click()

7. It will select everyone of them
instantly and now click on
invite and you are done.

3. Facebook Blank Status

You must have seen few of your
friends having blank status
updates and you must have
wondered how did they do it
because facebook does not allows
blank status updates. However it
changes few codes to blank status.
Follow the steps.

1. Click on your status.
2. Now type : @[3:3: ]
3. Hit enter and you will observe
blank status on facebook.

4. Facebook Ad Blocker

Facebook gives lot of ads while few
people like to explore these ads
but mostly don't like so much of
ads. Secondly it makes the loading
of the facebook slower. However
there is a solution to fix these ads
and they will never appear in your
browser. It's a browser specific
trick. Follow the steps.

1. Use facebook in Google chrome.

2. Download an extension known
as " Facebook Ads Blocker"

3. Install it and it will start
working after 30 minutes or so
or may be instantly.

4. It will block all facebook ads
and you will never see them
again in chrome browser while
using facebook.

5. There must be an extension for
Firefox too. Search for it.

Will keep updating the tricks, till
then use these tricks.

Dont' forget to like and share this
page on facebook.