Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Facebook New Tips And Tricks 2013

Facebook tips and tricks are mainly on these apps.
How these facebook applications can be useful to you while you enjoy Facebook. You simply need to login to your account and authorize the application and you are done. You will be able to use them.
Here I am going to mention few apps which are really good and you will enjoy them.

Here is the list of facbeook tips
and tricks -

1. Live Stream TV - You can watch
live streaming tv on facebook.
There is an app called
TVDREAM-APP. Search for this
app on facebook search bar.
Once you authorize it, you can
watch live stream.

2. Make Video with your pictures on FB -
Visit and you can make a nice video of your facbeook photos.

3. OnlineNow - Whenever you are
offline, you cannot see your
online friends. However we do
have the habit of knowing who
is online while we are offline.
To make this task easy, just
search the application
OnlineNow in facebook search

4. Empty Facbeook Status -
Copy paste this into your status box " @[2:2: ] " without quotes and hit enter. Status will be updates with no content in it.

5. Remove all facebook ads -
You can use the Greasemonkey
Script in Mozilla firefox "
Facebook: Cleaner " to remove
all ads. Basically it will hide
all the facebook ads on the

The best trick :
Facebook gives you the link to
deactivate the account in the
account settings. But there is no
option to DELETE your facebook
account permanently. However that option is available but not in the account settings. You can find this option in the facbeook help.

Here is the direct link for you in case you want to delete your facebook account -



Open this link. Fill the form and
Don't login to facebook for next
15 Days. It will be deleted.

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Create a unique Facebook profile picture

At the top of your Facebook profile,
you'll see the five most recent
pictures containing a picture of you.
You can use this section of your
profile to make a more unique and
original profile picture by extending
the main profile picture into these
recent pictures. As can be seen in
the picture to the right, this profile
takes a larger image and spreads it
from the profile picture into the
recent pictures across the top.
This can be accomplished using the
free Pic Scatter online tool. With
this tool, you can upload any picture
and adjust the picture to be shown
in the profile section, the top five
images, and even the wall.


When using this technique
any time you or a friend tags you in
a photo it will be posted in the top
section of your profile ruining this
effect. To keep this effect, hide any
new photo by clicking the x that
appears when hovering the mouse in
the top right-corner of the picture.