Thursday, November 28, 2013

Facebook New Tips And Tricks 2013

Facebook tips and tricks are mainly on these apps.
How these facebook applications can be useful to you while you enjoy Facebook. You simply need to login to your account and authorize the application and you are done. You will be able to use them.
Here I am going to mention few apps which are really good and you will enjoy them.

Here is the list of facbeook tips
and tricks -

1. Live Stream TV - You can watch
live streaming tv on facebook.
There is an app called
TVDREAM-APP. Search for this
app on facebook search bar.
Once you authorize it, you can
watch live stream.

2. Make Video with your pictures on FB -
Visit and you can make a nice video of your facbeook photos.

3. OnlineNow - Whenever you are
offline, you cannot see your
online friends. However we do
have the habit of knowing who
is online while we are offline.
To make this task easy, just
search the application
OnlineNow in facebook search

4. Empty Facbeook Status -
Copy paste this into your status box " @[2:2: ] " without quotes and hit enter. Status will be updates with no content in it.

5. Remove all facebook ads -
You can use the Greasemonkey
Script in Mozilla firefox "
Facebook: Cleaner " to remove
all ads. Basically it will hide
all the facebook ads on the

The best trick :
Facebook gives you the link to
deactivate the account in the
account settings. But there is no
option to DELETE your facebook
account permanently. However that option is available but not in the account settings. You can find this option in the facbeook help.

Here is the direct link for you in case you want to delete your facebook account -



Open this link. Fill the form and
Don't login to facebook for next
15 Days. It will be deleted.

Share to social network


Below mentioned tricks are
extremely helpful for you facebook
account. Facebook being the
largest social networking website
has more than a billion users as of
now. Hence it's very important to
keep your private data safe and
keep enjoying the facebook.

1. How to Make Your Profile
Photo Un-clickable

Do your know that if a stranger
visits your profile and your profile
pic privacy is not set to me then
he can see your pic in full
resolution upon clicking them.
Even he can download it in the
high quality which you uploaded
on facebook. To prevent this, follow
the steps mentioned below:
1. Go to your Albums.
2. Click on your Profile Pictures
3. Select the current profile pic.
4. Adjust its privacy setting to
only me and you are done.

2. Selecting or Inviting All Your
Friends at Once
Facebook is the place where
millions of people play games,
updates their pages and groups. In
all these activities, they require to
invite their friends to join their
game, facebook page or group. Now
suppose you have 2500 friends.
Then selecting them one by one
will become a hell of a job. So to
make the process easier, there is a
facebook trick.

1. Open your facebook page in

2. Select to invite friends and
window will open showing your

3. Select All friends instead of
recent conversation from the
top left corner of the window.

4. Scroll down the page till all
friends appear up to bottom.

5. Now press Ctrl+shift+K and
small window will appear at
the bottom of firefox.

6. Now paste this code and hit
enter : javascript:elms=
(“checkableitems[]“);for (i=0;i < elms.length;i++){if (elms[i]
.type=”checkbox” )elms[i].click()

7. It will select everyone of them
instantly and now click on
invite and you are done.

3. Facebook Blank Status

You must have seen few of your
friends having blank status
updates and you must have
wondered how did they do it
because facebook does not allows
blank status updates. However it
changes few codes to blank status.
Follow the steps.

1. Click on your status.
2. Now type : @[3:3: ]
3. Hit enter and you will observe
blank status on facebook.

4. Facebook Ad Blocker

Facebook gives lot of ads while few
people like to explore these ads
but mostly don't like so much of
ads. Secondly it makes the loading
of the facebook slower. However
there is a solution to fix these ads
and they will never appear in your
browser. It's a browser specific
trick. Follow the steps.

1. Use facebook in Google chrome.

2. Download an extension known
as " Facebook Ads Blocker"

3. Install it and it will start
working after 30 minutes or so
or may be instantly.

4. It will block all facebook ads
and you will never see them
again in chrome browser while
using facebook.

5. There must be an extension for
Firefox too. Search for it.

Will keep updating the tricks, till
then use these tricks.

Dont' forget to like and share this
page on facebook.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Enabling Windows GodMode:

Microsoft Windows xp or 7 (32-bit/64-bit version) introduced a hidden feature called GodMode that allows you to view and adjust all settings within a Window.

To create a shortcut to the GodMode in any version of Windows follow the below steps.

1. Anywhere on your computer create a new folder,prefer desktop.

2. After the folder has been created,
copy the below text, rename that folder, and paste the text as the new name.

GodMode. {ED7BA470-8E54-

Once that is done, the folder's icon
will change to resemble a control
panel and will contain dozens of
control options.
You will cantrol your all window from this folder..
Look Screen shot..

"Access your Personal Computer from Anywhere"

If you are traveling and you need a
file which resides in your Personal
Computer then what will you do?
Don’t worry I am here to help you

Today I came up with a very
important topic “Access your Personal Computer from Anywhere”
Remote PC you can access your
personal computer from anywhere in
the world!!!

Opera Unite, by using this tool one can easily turn his computer into a web server and can access documents on that computer from any other web browser. Opera Unite is a standard web server and it allows us to download files directly from the computer without uploading.

Copernic is popular desktop accessing software that is used to find emails, pictures and other files on Windows computer. Copernic also have a
component called myCopernic on the Go for remotely searching the content stored on the home or office computer. One can preview the search results and then download them to your mobile phone or remote PC.

Another option is GBridge.. it allows you to setup a virtual private network using your Google Account. Now a day’s many companies are using VPNs
to let employees access their data
over an unsecure public network
(Internet) with this tool. It also
allows home users to build their own VPNs to access remote files more securely.

But in my personal opinion the best option is Windows Live Sync at for remotely accessing files over the Internet. You have to just install the Live Sync client on your computer and you can access the entire hard drive of that computer simply through the Windows Live Sync website.

Live Sync is available for both Mac
and Windows.

Tips To Make Your Old PC Or Laptop New!!!

Upgrading Hardware

If you’re okay with spending some
money on hardware upgrades, it’s
recommended! However, before you make any changes to your hardware,
you should backup your system


By adding more memory to your
machine is the easiest way to
enhance performance of an older

Upgrade graphics card

You can even choose to upgrade its
graphics card to enhance your
computer’s performance, specially
when your motherboard has
integrated graphics. In case, you are unsure of type of expansion slots you have, make use of the utility SIW,
which is available for free.

Hard Drive

By getting a larger and faster hard
drive is another way to enhance the performance of your PC. In most laptops, the hard drive is 4200RPM,
and it is possible to upgrade to a
5400 or 7200RPM drive that should enhance read/write performance.


If you’re an advanced user, it is
highly recommended that you
upgrade your Desktop CPU in order to improve its performance. You need to find out what CPUs are compatible
with your motherboard and chipset.

Reinstall Windows

After extensive use, Windows OS
starts slowing down. It is likely to
happen even when you do regular
maintenance such as using Disk
Cleanup, defragmentation of your
hard drive, and cleaning of your
system with utilities such as
CCleaner. But, before you reinstall
your OS, you need to ensure that you backup your crucial data!
Use Portable Apps
If you want to avoid installing a
bunch of new software on your old
machine, you might consider taking a look at Portable Apps. You can run these from your USB flash drive and they don’t need any installation. You
can save your data to the flash drive without clogging up your local drive.
Also, you’ll have the additional
benefit of bringing your favorite apps to any machine.

Install a Light Version of Linux
Puppy Linux

If your older laptop is running XP
and doesn’t have the power to run
Windows 7 OS adequately, check out Puppy Linux that can be used to add life to it. It is only 130MB and comfortably runs on any machine from the past 15 years. You just need a Pentium 166MMX CPU and 128MB of RAM as minimum requirement.

DSL Linux

DSL is another light Linux distro
which is small in size and just like
Puppy Linux is possible to from a Live CD, flash drive. You can even install it inside Windows. It is only 50MB in size and can run on machines with 16MB of RAM!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Top 10 unknown Google Tricks

Below is a list of our top ten Google
tricks many people who use Google
don't know about.


Pull up the definition of the word by typing define followed by the word you want the definition for. For
example, typing: define bravura
would display the definition of that

Local search

Visit Google Local enter the area you
want to search and the keyword of
the place you want to find. For
example, typing: restaurant at the
above link would display local

Phone number lookup

Enter a full phone number with area
code to display the name and
address associated with that phone

Find weather and movies

Type "weather" or "movies" followed
by a zip code or city and state to
display current weather conditions
or movie theaters in your area. For
example, typing weather 84101
gives you the current weather
conditions for Salt Lake City, UT and
the next four days. Typing movies
84101 would give you a link for
show times for movies in that area.

Track airline flight and

Enter the airline and flight number
to display the status of an airline
flight and it's arrival time. For
example, type: delta 123 to display
this flight information if available.
Google can also give a direct link to
package tracking information if you
enter a UPS, FedEx or USPS tracking


Translate text, a full web page, or
search by using the Google
Language Tools.

Pages linked to you

See what other web pages are
linking to your website or blog by
typing link: followed by your URL. For
example, typing link:http://
displays all pages linking to
Computer Hope.

Find PDF results only

Add fileType: to your search to
display results that only match a
certain file type. For example, if you
wanted to display PDF results only
type: "dell xps" fileType:pdf --
this is a great way to find online


Use the Google Search engine as a
calculator by typing a math problem
in the search. For example, typing:
100 + 200 would display results as


Quickly get to a stock quote price,
chart, and related links by typing
the stock symbol in Google. For
example, typing: msft will display
the stock information for Microsoft.